Welcome to Atlanta

The Atlanta Trolley Tour Line is your tour and sightseeing expert for your visit to Atlanta GA.

Our blog will serve as a tool to help you plan and visit the city of Atlanta Georgia. Over the life of our blog we will add features, video clips, tour guide recommendations, local tips, advice and information we feel will be helpful to you when you plan your trip.

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Thursday, October 9, 2008

Atlanta's official symbols

The City of Atlanta has chosen the Phoenix along with the word Resurgens to symbolize the seemingly continual rebirth of the city after several devastating fires, most notable of which are General Shermans's burning of the city during the Civil War on November 15, 1864 and the Great Atlanta fire of 1917.
This view of the Phoenix can be seen in Woodruff Park at Five Points in downtown Atlanta. The title of the sculpture is "Atlanta from the ashes." Information from http://www.atlantapublicart.com/ tells us about this sculpture:
Considered the symbol of Atlanta’s rebirth, The Phoenix—as it is popularly known—was commissioned in 1969 by the Rich Foundation to commemorate the 100th anniversary of its historic downtown department store. James Siegler, who worked in Rich’s planning department, conceived of a sculpture of a woman lifting a bird of hope to the heavens, and drew the original drawings. Ultimately designed and cast in Italy, the sculpture became associated with the Phoenix, the mystical bird of Egyptian times, who was consumed by fire and rose from the ashes. Now the unofficial symbol of Atlanta, it represents the city that ascended from the ashes and devastation of the Civil War to become an important international city.
Any trip to Atlanta or visit to downtown should include sometime in the 5 points area. This is where Atlanta was born with the laying if the first train tracks. This is where first mayor was elected. This is where the first Coca Cola was ever served. It was also home a famous underground well that served Atlantans there water supply for sever decades.
Sites that should not be missed when in the 5 points area include:
Underground Atlanta, Georgia State University, The Fairlie-Poplar District (one of the oldest sections of downtown with a range of building history from the 1870's to the present), Broad Street ( lots of outdoor cafes with many different styles of food to choose from), The Candler Building (office buiding to Asa Candler, once owner of Coca Cola), The Rialto Theater and the Theatrical Outlet ( 2 of Atlanta's best theaters).